The snowy weather is coming up and this can mean quite a significant change in routines for our kiddos.
Here are a few tips to help your child better cope with the cooler weather:
If your child refuses to put on their coat or other winter clothing (e.g., hat, gloves, scarves), start with something small. Start off by having them try wearing it for five minutes or even just a few seconds, and we can gradually increase that time. If putting on the entire coat is too overwhelming, try if they can put their arms through one sleeve for a few seconds to begin with. Start small, and work from there. Small successes lead to great achievements!
When the weather gets cold, people tend to stay inside, but you can still engage your child with various activities:
Make your own sensory bin. You can add in pompoms, small toys, slime, puzzle pieces, etc. Sometimes we can add in edible components by mixing flour and water, cooked spaghetti, etc.
Let your child be creative while using paints, crayons, markers, bingo daubers, and construction paper. These can be themed art creations like making a paper snowman and snowflakes.
Cooking and baking can be great learning opportunities. They provide structure, predictability, and a sense of accomplishment. You can start with small involvements like decorating sugar cookies, frosting cupcakes, or cutting out cookies. When your child is ready, you can use a video recipe or step-by-step instructions with visual supports for the child to follow through.
Go out and enjoy the snow! Dress warm and engage your child in some Winter activities, like throwing snowballs, making snow angels, tobogganing, etc.