15天 家長極速培訓社交技巧班
Since 2020
Day 1: 社交技巧包括的元素
Day 2-3:成功父母必做的事
Day 4: 社交技巧難在哪裡?
Day5: 怎樣教出同理心?
Day 6-7: 社交技巧由此起
Day 8: 訓練聆聽能力的遊戲
Day 9: 寫出度身訂造的社交故事
Day 10: 個人空間怎樣教?
Day 11: 對家庭及學校影響深遠的常見錯誤
Day 12: 眼神交流的秘密
Day 13-14: 增強語言 (三大類別/回答問題)
Day 15: 提昇感情表達的社交遊戲。
常見問題 Common Q & A:
1. 在哪裡上課?開課日期和上課時間是什麼?
Where does this course take place? When is the start date and what time does it start?
All videos will be available online. You may use your cell phone, tablet, or computer for this course.
2. 錯過了上課時候可以重看片段嗎?
What if I miss a class?
No problem.
You have full access to this online course for 6 months. You may view the videos as many times as you want within these 6 months.
3. 15天的課程每堂幾分鐘?
每天上課時間大概是7-21分鐘,但每堂有工作紙讓大家更明白內容。上課時間並不長,希望家長能完全吸收內容,真正地運用,學以致用。課堂6 個月內都可以無限重温。
How long is each video?
Each video is about 7-21 minutes long. There is a worksheet for each class. Each lesson is not long and I hope that parents can understand the contents completely so they may apply all the strategies in their daily life easily. All videos will be available within 6 months.
4. 我孩子已經過了六歲但是缺乏語言及社交技巧這課程我適合參加嗎?
Is this course suitable for my child who is above 6 but does not have many language and social skills?
Yes! This course is great for parents of children who are not motivated in using their words and interacting with peers.
5. 我的孩子沒有自閉症,但是很少說話和不太有興趣與其他小朋友玩,這課程也適合我嗎?
My child is not diagnosed with Autism but is not talking much and is not interested in other peers, is this still a suitable course for me to take?
Of course! This course will provide you with tips on teaching children who have language delays and a lack of interest in people.
6. 我的孩子是4歲,這課程適合嗎?
適合!這課程針對0-6歲的小孩, 或是年紀大些但有自閉症、語言遲緩和社交障礙的孩子。
My child is 4 years old, is it suitable for him?
Yes! This course is perfect for children from 0-6 years old.
7. 這課程適合高智能自閉症嗎?我的孩子說話很多只是需要強化社交技巧。
Is this course suitable for high-functioning children with Autism? My child is talking a lot but needs to work on social skills. Is it a good course for me to take?
The lessons on language skills focus on children who have less verbal language skills. However, there are still many other lessons that are very helpful for children who are higher functioning. Also, this class includes 3 Live Q&A sessions where Sally will answer your questions specifically.
8. 如果不能每週參加現場問答環節,也可以參加嗎?
可以呀! 可以看重溫。
If I cannot attend the weekly Live meeting, can I still join?
Yes! You may replay the Live at your convenience.
9. 沒有Facebook account也可以嗎?
Facebook account是必須的。我們極度鼓勵家長用Facebook,因為可以在群組內得到寶貴的家長分享與資訊。
If I do not have a Facebook account, can I still view the Live videos?
Yes, we will upload the videos to the course a few days after the Live meeting. However, we highly recommend you set up a Facebook account and join our private group because you can view other parents' questions and answers.
10. 還有其他問題?歡迎電郵至: sally@bridgekidsbc.com
限時優惠 CAD$160